March 8

MARK 2:17
“It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”

The imagery that Jesus uses transcends generations, languages, and cultures. Regardless of how advanced humanity becomes, the experience of sickness is universal. Jesus had a simple yet powerful way of teaching timeless truths that continue to guide us today.
Jesus actively engages with you, not because you have everything figured out, but because you don't. He understands your fractured and broken soul. This daunting reality may weigh heavily on you. But know that He is the great physician— the only one who can bring healing to your sin-tattered soul.
Today, as you rest in gratitude for Jesus' amazing grace that breathes new life into you, remember this: Jesus came for all people who are broken and fractured. He desires to bring healing to all sinners. That is why the church, as a gathering of people, must continue to love like Jesus!

(What is God telling you to do? Write it down!)

- PRAY -
Pause and pray. Pray over the Scripture and listen to what God is saying to you. Celebrate God's presence and hand your requests over to Him.