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Series Starts 06.02.2024

Voices are trying to steal pieces of who you are, reshape you into who you are not, and distort your perspective. Now is the time to reclaim who you are because of whose you are.

Silence The Silver-Tongue

Chris Trethewey

There is one significant voice trying to steal your identity – who God created you to be. And Jesus models the only way to silence him.

People Pleasing Pandemic

Chris Trethewey

Are you exhausted trying to please people? Is frustration intensifying as you try to reach everyone’s expectations? Grasp that there is only one person whose approval matters.

Superhero Syndrome

Chris Trethewey

Are you trying to find the strength to make it through this week? Do you keep trying to “handle” everything? You don’t have to be a superhero because there is one who is.

I am not enough, but He is.

Chris Trethewey

There are voices constantly telling you that you are not enough. And the loudest voice is coming from you. Listen intently to who God says you are.

Accept His Grace

Chris Trethewey

Where you find your identity matters. Look to the one who thoroughly understands and offers you His grace, which is the source of all you need.

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